
South East Regional Committee AGM

In an effort to re-establish the SE committee, an AGM will be run online on  the 23rd October at 8pm for the following roles:

Required: Chair, Treasurer, Secretary

Ideal: League coordinator (supporting league organizers to be added in the future), Refereeing officer, Development officer (to coordinate with Southern Development), BCP committee regional representative (if not fulfilled by the chair)

A small group of volunteers has been working on initial plans for this season, the notes from the two meetings to date can be found here. It is not necessary to have been a part of these initial volunteers to now get involved!

The AGM will be held online:

South East Canoe Polo AGM
Monday, 23 October · 8:00 – 10:00pm
Time zone: Europe/London
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/aoe-yvvw-swf

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