
British National Championship 2018 – Report

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The British National Championships took place at the Canoe Polo home venue pitches (HPP) in glorious sunshine. The National Champs run slightly differently to most standalone tournaments, instead of divisions of competition based on a perceived standard all clubs enter the same league. This affords div 3 teams the opportunity to play against the top […]


Development Academy – Women’s Weekend

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  As part of its ongoing development initiatives, the Academy will look to host an open age women’s only weekend at its Collingwood venue in late September. In hosting the weekend the primary objective is to initially gauge the interest in women wishing to aspire to and develop towards future participation in national leagues polo, […]


Summer League Announcement!

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? The new Summer League will take the ranking of all entered teams attending British Summer Competitions: National Championships Hull International Liverpool International  London International British Open Welsh Open Points will be awarded from your 3 best results as a team, with 1000 points awarded for the team in 1st place, and descending points for every […]