
Canoe Polo Events at Liverpool

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There are two events coming up this year in Liverpool – make sure you have them in your diaries: – Div 1 Weekend and National Playoffs: 9th and 10th May 2015 – Liverpool’s 26th International Tournament: 6th and 7th June 2015


ICF Boat Checking

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The ICF have now put a boat checking procedure in place. All manufacturers that want to have boats used at ICF events must sign up to the scheme, there is a fee of 300 euros. More details can be found here: ICF Manufacturer Scheme For squads players looking to buy new boats please take note that after […]


ICF new rules released

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Hi All, The ICF have released the latest set of rules. There will be a link in a day or two that will outline the changes in greater detail. For now click on the link below 🙂 ICF Canoe Polo Rules 2015 For Divisions 2,3,4 these will come into effect at the start of the […]