The Squads are about to enter a new two-year cycle of training and competition, culminating in the World Championships in Canada in August 2018.
At this year’s Championships, in Italy, all four teams achieved excellent results, some significantly exceeding that which might have been expected at the start of the two-year cycle.
The success of the Under 21 Men, climbing from 7th position in 2014 to Gold Medal success this year, is obvious. But, equally, the progress of the Senior Men, moving from 12th in 2014 to 7th this year, marks significant progress.
The Under 21 Women once again reached the semi-finals and our Senior women, faced with the challenge of having to completely rebuild their team from 2014, did well to finish in 6th position.
The success is, in large measure, a reflection of the support the players received from the Squad Managers, Coaches and administrators.
So, as we commence the process of selecting players for the 2016/17 season, we are equally anxious to identify anyone who might be willing to provide support to the Squads during the next two your cycle, (from October of this year to August 2018), whether in a Management, Coaching or Administrative role.
If you feel you would be interested in assisting then either complete this form: https://docs.google.com/a/canoepolo.org.uk/document/d/11Tm1WRq-gNr1PAW6bTnOxBKnh1yZryBv-GVvRIG4MJc/edit?usp=sharing
or contact Chris Parkes, (chrisparkes61@gmail.com) for further details.
(You would be welcome to attend the meeting of the current Squads Management and coaching team, being held on Saturday 1st October, to de-brief on the 2016 season and discuss plans for the 2017 season. The meeting is to be held at the Hatfield Water Park, near Doncaster, commencing at 9.30 for 10 a.m.
The first actual Squads weekend is due to be held on Saturday/Sunday 5th/6th November, at the same venue.)