Based at Danson Park, Bexleyheath, Kent DA9 9FN
Please share this notice with anyone that you feel it is relevant to. We are targeting paddlers who wish to progress in the sport of canoe polo and who have the desire in the future to compete Internationally either for their club or country. The expected aged of paddlers is U23 at the moment but this may lower in the future.
Why Now?
We are now looking to increase the capacity of the British development academy initiative by creating a second hub in the south of England currently being based at Danson Park, Bexleyheath.
How will it work?
It is hoped that the southern development academy hub will be supported by coaches from a variety of clubs and that in time we may also leverage coaches from British Canoeing and other knowledgeable individuals to deliver sessions on specific elements of our sport whereby they have specific knowledge.
What about the Liverpool Academy?
The Liverpool based academy is significantly oversubscribed and as a result not everyone who wishes to attend has been able. The development academies will not be working independent of each other and it is highly likely that teams entered into competitions will be a mix of the two academies.
What is on offer?
We are proposing to run initially 4 weekend training events related to the southern development hub. We will discuss possibly including several competitions however players will be expected to play with their club teams if their club teams are attending an event as well as the development academy.
What do you need?
A good polo ball, full set of polo kit and multiple changes of soft clothing, 2 sets of clothing and trainers for land based activity. All day canoeist are not permitted!
Proposed Southern Development Academy weekends
Date Venue/Activity
18/05/2019 -19/05/2019 Danson Park / Training
01/06/2019 – 02/06/2019 Liverpool
22/06/2019 – 23/06/2019 Hull
20/07/2019 – 21/07/2019 Danson Park / Training
31/07/2019 – 04/08/2019 Belfast U21, U18 U15 under this age on 1st Jan
03/08/2019 – 04/08/2019 Wales
31/08/2019 – 01/09/2019 Danson Park / Training
14/09/2019 – 15/09/2019 British Open
28/09/2019 – 29/09/2019 Danson Park / Training
The initial training weekend will cost £30-£40 this will only cover the cost of water access/tournament fee, accommodation and a Saturday evening meal. Travel costs will not be included in this budget, we will attempt to facilitate sensible arrangements that will keep the cost as low as possible for everyone. More will be confirmed once numbers are known.
Please can you confirm:
If you will be attending the weekend of the 18/05/2019?
If you require accommodation on the Saturday night?
Please note:
If you are attending the Div 2 Regional League Rickmansworth 2b tournament on the 19/05/2019 then you will be charged a reduced rate for the Saturday only.