
London International 2011

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On the 13th/14th August 50 teams from across the globe attended the 13th London Internation hosted by Meridian Canoe Club. The combination of camping, food and pitches all on one site makes this a value for money competition which is consistently attended by international teams. Being an hour from Dover and close to all London […]

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New League Structure: 2012-13 Season

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At the meeting of the BCU Canoe Polo Committee on 23rd July 2011. The decision was taken to expand the National League structure for the season that will run 2012-13. For the 2011-12 season, which starts in September 2011, the structure will be as in previous years, the only difference being to the promotion and […]


Comittee & Contact

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The following people can all be contacted on the email addresses below.  Please direct your enquiry to the relevant person.  Everyone has the power to make certain decisions, please do not contact the chairman by default. 2015/2016 Committee (Photograph Pending) Chairperson | Christopher Arrowsmith | (Photograph Pending) Vice Chairperson | Derek Playford |  Secretary | Richard […]



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Welcome to the new BCU Canoe Polo committee website.  We’re slowly making our way to getting back up to speed, please bear with us in the transition period. In the meantime if you have any ideas for content / any other suggestions, please contact Thanks, Sam

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Rules and Documents

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A list of documents that may be useful to you:   Rules UK Rules of Play Book [pdf] ICF Rules [external link] Boat Checking [html] National League National League Rules (last updated May 2016) [pdf] League Organiser – Guide [pdf] Promotion and Relegation 2016/2017 [doc] Codes of Conduct Performance Selection Policy Squad Travel Policy Athlete code of Conduct Performance Pathway […]

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Referee Guidelines

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General Referees should officiate games in an unbiased and impartial Referees should respect without question all decisions given by the Referees controlling the game. They should set an example of good sportsmanship for other players to follow. Referees should not publicly criticise the performance and decisions of a Referee officiating a game. Referee Restraint Keep […]

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Chief Referee Sub-Committee

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Polo refereeing is managed by a Sub-Committee of senior referees and an administrator, known as the Chief Referee’s Sub-Committee. The structure of Refereeing in the UK is constantly reviewed. If you have suggestions about improving the overall structure of refereeing in the short and long-term please contact Reporting to the Polo Committee, the Chief […]