
Your New Committee +ACM Minutes

Following the recent ACM the 18/19 British Canoeing Canoe Polo Committee is:
Chairperson & SW representative: Steve Watts
Vice Chairperson & National Leagues Organiser: Chris Arrowsmith
Treasurer & performance Chairperson: Derek Playford
Chief Referee: Elan Winter
Publicity Officer: David McBay
Secretary: Mark Dolan
Coaching & Welsh Chairperson: Zoe Anthony
Welfare & NE representative: Sara Potter
Scottish CPC Representative: Chris Carracher
South East Chairperson: Michael Burbeck
North West Chairperson: Matt Carter
North East Chairperson: AP Gair
Welsh Representative: Dave Siegel

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Richard Potter and Aziz Raoudi!

Committee Profiles: canoepolo.org.uk/committee
You can read Chris’ ACM update here (as acting Chairperson): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xqvb716fvlu4et/Chairperson2018.docx?dl=0
Committee Structure: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xHGdCqGPYIAAoUfkmDIuL-j0hya7_xLipOv-MvKPies/edit?usp=sharing
ACM minutes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b7d4qryh80m0f94/ACM%20minutes%2017th%20Nov%202018%20.docx?dl=0

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